
Powering millions of businesses
and the Web for decades...
Perl just works! :camel:

About Perl

Powerful and stable

  • Highly capable :muscle:
  • Feature-rich
  • More than 30 years of development
  • Runs on over 100 platforms
  • From rapid prototyping…
  • …To large scale development projects

“Perl” is a family of languages, Raku (formerly known as “Perl 6”) is part of the family, but it is a separate language which has its own development team.

General purpose

  • Used for mission critical projects :fire:
  • OO, procedural and functional
  • Flexible
  • Over 200,000 open source modules :+1:
  • Killer language for text manipulation
  • Unicode support :symbols:
  • Database integration
  • C/C++ library interface (XS/FFI/SWIG)
  • Go/Rust/xxx libraries interface (FFI)
  • Embeddable :pager:
  • Open Source (Artistic License or GPL)

Perl and the Web

  • Ideal Web programming language
  • Modern Web Frameworks :earth_asia:
  • Great database integration
  • Web modules
  • Encryption capable :shipit:
  • Embed into Apache
  • PSGI
  • Best companion of Sysadmin
  • Army-knife for hackers :speak_no_evil:


Perl is community driven since forever and would not exist without the generous contributions of time, work, and resources from individuals and companies.